Trade Contractor Registration Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.GENERALCompany Name *Company AddressAddress Line 1CityState / Province / RegionPostal CodeWebsite / URLContact Name *Contact Phone *Contact Email * Number Contact Number EXPERIENCENumber of years in business SCOPE OF SERVICES Division / Description1. General RequirementsSupplyInstallation (Self Perform)Installation (Third Party)2. Existing Conditions SupplyInstallation (Self Perform)Installation (Third Party)3. Concrete SupplyInstallation (Self Perform)Installation (Third Party)4. Masonry SupplyInstallation (Self Perform)Installation (Third Party)5. Metal SupplyInstallation (Self Perform)Installation (Third Party)6. Wood, Plastic, and Composites SupplyInstallation (Self Perform)Installation (Third Party)7. Thermal & Moisture Protection SupplyInstallation (Self Perform)Installation (Third Party)8. Opening SupplyInstallation (Self Perform)Installation (Third Party)9. FinishesSupplyInstallation (Self Perform)Installation (Third Party)10. Specialties SupplyInstallation (Self Perform)Installation (Third Party)11. Equipment SupplyInstallation (Self Perform)Installation (Third Party)12. Furnishings SupplyInstallation (Self Perform)Installation (Third Party)13. Special Construction SupplyInstallation (Self Perform)Installation (Third Party)14. Conveying Equipment SupplyInstallation (Self Perform)Installation (Third Party)21. Fire Suppression SupplyInstallation (Self Perform)Installation (Third Party)22. Mechanical: PlumbingSupplyInstallation (Self Perform)Installation (Third Party)23. Mechanical: Heating Ventilating and Air ConditioningSupplyInstallation (Self Perform)Installation (Third Party)25. Mechanical: Integrated AutomationSupplyInstallation (Self Perform)Installation (Third Party)26. Electrical SupplyInstallation (Self Perform)Installation (Third Party)27. Electrical: CommunicationsSupplyInstallation (Self Perform)Installation (Third Party)28. Electronic Safety and SecuritySupplyInstallation (Self Perform)Installation (Third Party)31. Earthworks SupplyInstallation (Self Perform)Installation (Third Party)32. Exterior ImprovementsSupplyInstallation (Self Perform)Installation (Third Party)33. Utilities SupplyInstallation (Self Perform)Installation (Third Party)34. TransportationSupplyInstallation (Self Perform)Installation (Third Party)41. Material Processing & Handling Equipment SupplyInstallation (Self Perform)Installation (Third Party)CAPACITYNumber of Field EmployeesNumber of Field Employees based in ManitobaTypical Project Size Range (Contract Value $)OWNERSHIPIs business Indigenous-owned?YesNoCheckboxesFirst NationInuitRed River Metis CitizenMetisFirst Nation %fn_statusI do not have a status numberPlease enter your Status Number *Inuit %Red River Metis Citizen %Metis %What community are you from?Brokenhead Ojibway NationLong Plain First NationPeguis First NationRoseau River Anishinabe First NationSagkeeng First NationSandy Bay Ojibway First NationSwan Lake First NationOtherCommunityCOMPLIANCECurrent WCB RatingBonding CapacityBonding Rates (50% Labour and Material, 50% Performance)Do you have a valid COR Certification? YesNoUPLOAD YOUR COR CERTIFICATION Click or drag a file to this area to upload. LTIR rating for the last 3 yearsLast Calendar Year (Year 1)Year 2 Year 3TRIF rating for the last 3 yearsLast Calendar Year (Year 1)Year 2 Year 3 Number of stop work orders issued in the last 3 yearsLast Calendar Year (Year 1)Year 2 Year 3Fatalities in the last 3 yearsLast Calendar Year (Year 1)Year 2Year 3REFERENCE 11. General Contractor Name *1. Contact Name *1. Phone *1. Project Completion Date *1. Contract Value *1. Scope of Work Summary *REFERENCE 22. General Contractor Name2. Contact Name2. Phone2. Project Completion Date2. Contract Value2. Scope of Work SummaryREFERENCE 33. General Contractor Name3. Contact Name3. Phone3. Project Completion Date3. Contract Value3. Scope of Work SummarySubmit