Assiniboine Park Conservancy Greenhouse Support Facility
Bockstael Construction was the successful proponent to build a new greenhouse for the Assiniboine Park Conservancy. The support greenhouse will house maturing plant species in advance of moving to The Leaf at Canada’s Diversity Gardens. It will also house plants, flowers, and animal mosaics used to enhance and beautify many areas of the park.
The versatile greenhouse was designed with sustainability and efficiency in mind. All five bays in the greenhouse can be controlled individually to create the necessary temperature and humidity for the species that are growing inside. The centralized Argus system controls the operation of the window roofs, release of the heat curtains and the fans. This allows for plants with different climate needs – such as tropical plants and Mediterranean plants – to be kept in the same building.
Outside the greenhouse is a specially designed silo that collects rainwater and condensation build up from inside the greenhouse to be used to water the plants. If the silo gets too full, water is redirected underground into a nearby forest. There is also a refrigerated sea-can just outside the greenhouse used for propagating plants.